Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Babies R Us, Merry Go Round, Right Start, Go to your Room, man.... oh man. I never thought there would be so many baby options! I'm just overwhelmed with the choices. I'm on my roll of getting ready to register and pick out my nursery decor. Some would say I'm a bit behind. Why? Apparently, it takes 12 to 14 weeks for a crib to be delivered. That seems a bit long! Well, all I can do is wait. I've decided to register at two locations: Babies R Us and Merry Go Round. I found my stroller, it's a neat little contraption called the UPPA! It's convertible, durable and I will be able to take my walks into Kirkland without a problem. Now the decor, that's another issue to tackle. I'm leaning towards Pink & Green.

It seems like the weeks are flying by and pretty soon Jason and I will be sitting in our living room with Lyla in arms. How exciting/nerve-wrecking/life changing/amazing! She's growing every day and my belly sure knows it.

That's it for now!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Her name is Lyla

The weeks are flying by! I can't even keep track. I just sent out an email saying it was week 21 and I was a week behind. Oh well.... time flies. We all know this. Last week we had our last ultrasound. She looked amazing, the 3-D photos showed little Lyla turning, rubbing her eyes, yawning and most of all, kicking me non-stop! She doesn't have much room in there. I feel great and apparently she does too. Now that we know it's a girl for sure, we'll start the nursery. Wish me luck!
Hugs from all three of us,
Angela, Jason, Lyla and little Rosie the cat.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Smiling Sister

My sister was recently diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. She had her thyroid removed and is waiting to undergo radioactive iodine treatment. That's her on the right! The biggest smile I've seen in a long time..... she looks quite happy. This is my trip to visit her a couple years ago. Unfortunately she lives in Texas so our visits are few and far between but she's in our thoughts and prayers daily. She feels well and is strong. Please keep her in your prayers as the power of God is uplifting and true. On the left is her long time partner of more than seven years Meghan, they are two peas in a pod. Keep smiling sister!