Just looking back at old pictures and I realized how fast time flies. Today Lyla said "no". I asked her if she wanted to go to TARGET with me and she said "no". Simple and sweet, that was her answer. We went anyways... she had fun and left her trail of cheerios for anyone to find us. Also if you see that pink sippy cup, it's ours! She threw it overboard.
I enjoy my days off. We then went to lunch with auntie Laura at Redhook in Woodinville. Life is sweet.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
It was buzzing!
The party was a hit!
After months of thinking about Lyla's day and how to make it special, I think I made it a memorable one. I started with my own invitations created by the Queen Bee (me!)
My day started with whipping up a batch of cookies for her sweets table. Believe it or not, I did this with a yellow party hat on while Lyla played with mixing bowls at my feet.
Next I had to get everything ready! I had prepared well in advance for this Buzzing Bumble Bee party, but you know there is always last minute things to do. Diana was over to help me scramble and get ready while Lyla was napping upstairs after much protesting.
Here are some details from the Fulton HIVE
The Banner : Each month since Lyla was born I have taken pictures of her on the couch holding her little sign stating her age. It was so fun to put it together. It's still hanging! I won't ever want to take it down.
Sweets Table
Silverware (Tags purchased by Tom Kat Studio, assembled by the Queen Bee). The great lemonade stand given to me by my mom for mother's day this year!
Food: I did most of the shopping at Costco and Trader Joes, I even had a spread for the wee ones.
Decorations: Goodie bags for the kiddos included wind up water toys and bubbles.
The frame was made by my friend Layne with Memory Layne
The Cake my dad made with Lyla's own beehive on top, yummy! I'm so blessed my dad is a baker! The only problem was, she did not want to eat the cake. She did although, eat her chicken instead.
We were so busy buzzing around that the party pics are scant. I may get some more forwarded to me soon!
Thanks for buzzing by, Lyla had a bee of a time! Thank you to my family for all your help and understanding about my craziness for parties! A girl just has to have fun! Lyla has the best Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and friends she could ask for.
Monday, June 7, 2010
So many funny things have happened to me lately and each time I think to myself "I need to write about that."
So, here I am, writing about that...
I went shopping the other day for my hubby's Birthday gift and while I was out and about I thought I would stop at Starbucks. I love me a skinny cinnamon dolce latte, yum! Lyla had been on her best behavior shopping for 2 hours. I thought I would get her a treat. They had these organic pureed foods at the counter that come in a convenient squeeze tube. I read the package and it said "Ideal for ages 6 months and upwards, the fruit can be enjoyed straight from the pouch - no spoons required!! " Sounds great, right? I thought so. While I was waiting to get my delicious drink I thought, why not squeeze Lyla a little bit while I'm waiting? She loved it! Her eyes lit up and when I went to squeeze more she grabbed the entire pouch and used all of her might to squeeze it EVERYWHERE, stroller, shirt, hands, face, my hands, hair.... and of course I had to choose the mango blend, so it looked similar to those baby blowouts she used to have. I took it in stride and laughed to myself while trying to pry the pouch out of her wet, orange hands. She immediately started screaming, she wanted it back! The other customers weren't too happy, they simply stared at me without even a grin. (thinking to myself: They must not have kids, nope, they just don't get it.) We proceeded to the back of Starbucks and I pulled out the nice chopped organic chicken I had brought for Lyla and she now seemed pleased. What an adventure!Next, is my mind. I am consumed with thinking about Lyla's birthday. It's not even that big of a deal but I'm just so excited. Maybe I'm filled with excitement because I'm alive? I made it ONE FULL YEAR and we are all alive. Lyla is safe, I didn't do anything horribly wrong and I still look somewhat like a past resemblance of myself. I think that's it, I'm proud of my husband and I for making it through a year. A year of a colicky baby, a fussy baby, but a beautiful, charming, intelligent little princess as well. It's been a roller coaster and I never know what turn is next but at the end, I always want to jump back on! Bumble bee birthday party, I'm buzzing to get started!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Dear Lyla
Dear Lyla,
I knew I loved you before I met you.
You entered my life with perfect bliss. You graced me with an amazing pregnancy and your little kicks gave me the giggles. Little did I know that you would come out with a bundle of energy that would blow me away. Almost one year ago I had you. I was the first to pull you into my arms. I couldn't wait, I even grabbed you before you were ready to come out. It was then I knew that you would change my world.
When you smile, your eyes disappear. You can curl your tongue look right down at it with glee. You adore being adored. You are always looking for smiling faces and loving hearts as well as warm hands. You always want to be held. No matter what is going on, you want to be in my arms at all times. The love I have for you outweighs anything I would have previously thought. I can have a million chores but I dream of sitting with you, staring at you, breathing with you, kissing you, holding your little hands and toes. You are a gift from above.
I would much rather sit at home with you than be anywhere in the world, honestly. You are breathtaking. The look you get on your face when you see something new is that of wonder and excitement. When you eat a piece of dirt or grass, you look right up at me and try to spit it out. You are so intelligent and alert. Even at ten months of age you take the time to analyze a persons face and respond to their mood. You love to point at things, especially the smoke detector and dad when he's sleeping. You know where your little button nose is and you scrunch it and blow really hard in and out to show it to me. You have four teeth and they are the cutest little chic-lets I have ever seen. You have learned to stand up on your own and shout with glee and then bounce yourself onto the pillows with joy. You can also do a little dance with one foot while holding onto a chair if the music is right. Your abilities are endless. Keep it up girl!
Lyla, I hope you always know that I love you.
You have made me a mommy and opened a closed part of my heart.
I'm still learning every day, so please be patient with me. I may be over cautious and worry all the time but you are my little girl. I think about you all day, and can't wait to see that big smile when I get home. On my days off we always have the best girl time, it's unsurpassed. We shop, talk (babble), eat, play, jump, swing, twirl, scream, laugh so hard I cry, kiss, make messes and we don't care what's going on around us.
Thank you for being you.
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