Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We all freak out.

Sunday brought new beginnings. Lyla stayed in her Church playroom class for the entire time without us.

Did she put up a fight? YES
Did I feel guilty? YES
Did I want to run back in and grab her? YES
I dropped her off as I usually do and the teacher (Karen) said "Hello again Lyla, AND Mom".
Yes, it's always "and Mom" because I stay with her and then eventually take her out.
Well when she went to run and play I left.
Oh man, the guilt.... it was only an hour. How am I going to make it with preschool drop-off in five months? (Okay lets not get ahead here)

Anyhow, we ran back after Church to get her and she was quite happy to see me in a subtle way. She hugged me and held me. She was still a bit tearful and the teacher said she clung to her most of the time. I told her how happy I was that she was a BIG GIRL and spent time in class. She proceeded to show me the picture she colored.
Then she said the heart jerker...

"Mom, I stay in class, Mama Dada go to church, I...I...I...uhhh... FREAKED OUT!"
Yes, we all freak out, it's okay. I do it daily. She definitely takes after me. xoxo Photobucket

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Pics

I haven't had time to blog lately. Honestly. So here are a few pictures from Christmas! What a joy it was. We love our families! Much Love!
We love to be festive! Angela &  Jason 2011

Lyla loving her Nana and her doggie at Nana's.. Rico!

Sisterly run Christmas Eve morning!

We ate and ate and ate.....

Dougie... is this a big wheels?

Look what Santa brought me!

I am and always will be the queen of the hosue.

Princesses for a princess!

A horse, for me? Oh yes! Thanks Nana and Pa!

My usual baking day attire for Christmas Eve!

cookies cookies cookies


Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm so behind!

The Holidays have swamped me this year! Between having a 2 year old and a family, as well as working... I haven't had time to BLOG. So sad. It's my resolution to keep up a bit more. In the meantime, I did run a 12K for the fist time since High School. I enjoyed it and have continued to run at least 1-2 times a week. I'll write more with updates soon (I promise!)