The party was a hit!
After months of thinking about Lyla's day and how to make it special, I think I made it a memorable one. I started with my own invitations created by the Queen Bee (me!)
My day started with whipping up a batch of cookies for her sweets table. Believe it or not, I did this with a yellow party hat on while Lyla played with mixing bowls at my feet.
Next I had to get everything ready! I had prepared well in advance for this Buzzing Bumble Bee party, but you know there is always last minute things to do. Diana was over to help me scramble and get ready while Lyla was napping upstairs after much protesting.
Here are some details from the Fulton HIVE
The Banner : Each month since Lyla was born I have taken pictures of her on the couch holding her little sign stating her age. It was so fun to put it together. It's still hanging! I won't ever want to take it down.
Sweets Table
Silverware (Tags purchased by Tom Kat Studio, assembled by the Queen Bee). The great lemonade stand given to me by my mom for mother's day this year!
Food: I did most of the shopping at Costco and Trader Joes, I even had a spread for the wee ones.
Decorations: Goodie bags for the kiddos included wind up water toys and bubbles.
The frame was made by my friend Layne with Memory Layne
The Cake my dad made with Lyla's own beehive on top, yummy! I'm so blessed my dad is a baker! The only problem was, she did not want to eat the cake. She did although, eat her chicken instead.
We were so busy buzzing around that the party pics are scant. I may get some more forwarded to me soon!
Thanks for buzzing by, Lyla had a bee of a time! Thank you to my family for all your help and understanding about my craziness for parties! A girl just has to have fun! Lyla has the best Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and friends she could ask for.
1 comment:
Ang, you are amazing! Your creativity, thoughtfulness, great smile, intelligence, loving nature make us all fortunate to be a part of your life! Lyla is so lucky to have such a great mommy! Love, Michele
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