Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The new workout

Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to go to the gym? You see, I love the gym. I love body sculpt and body pump classes and my muscles love it too. Right now my loose skin and extra adipose tissue would love a little gym time but it's soooo hard! Let me re-cap....
It was 8am on a Monday morning, perfect day for me to hit up the AM body pump class, why not? (right...)
I put on my pants, tank top and tried to suck in my tummy. I grabbed Lyla with her snacks and toys and off we went. We sang the whole way to the gym, my energy was great! I paid my five dollar fee for the use of the "Kids Korner" and walked in like I knew what I was doing. Meanwhile, surrounding me were experienced mothers. Yes, mothers that had kids that have been enjoying the daycare for ages and they know the routine. They joyfully wave their experienced fit and toned mothers away and off they go to play and shout with glee. (That could be me, right?)
Lyla's face went serious, she looked at me and signed "mom" and said "ma ma". I thought, okay... I can sit with her for a bit and make her comfortable. Yes, she was happy when I was there but each time I inched my little booty towards the exit she screamed (a mighty loud scream). The teenage girl looked woefully at me and said "you can try to go and she may calm down." I put my trust into this girl with multiple piercings and her hair in a ponytail, she must know what she's doing (right???). As I walked away all I could hear was the loud screeching cry of my daughter. I should have known then. I went into class, got set up, did my warm up ( a total of about 4 mins). Next thing was a tap on my shoulder,
"Miss, your daughter will never calm down, you are going to have to come get her."
Okay, okay, I left the class without a toned ab in sight and the adipose still slightly hanging over my champion tight workout capris from post baby. I picked her up, she hugged me, immediately stopped crying and we went home. I think I may have indulged in a pastry after this event.

So the story is, Lyla has not yet warmed up to the Kids Korner. So, my backup plan has taken place.
Drum roll please....Jillian Michaels 30 day SHRED is my new best friend.
It's only 20 mins of workout, and it's intense! Tonight I had a great time! Lyla dances when the music starts, she puts pressure on my back when I am doing push-ups (I'm sure she's just assuming I can handle the extra weight) and even sits on my belly when I'm doing sit ups. It's a little bit of play time together that I can benefit from. Yes, I still go to the gym on Monday nights when Jason can watch Lyla but on Wednesday nights he has school (getting his Masters degree in Business, so proud). So, this is my new workout.
So far I am feeling good, I just need to resist the temptation of all my cravings. I hope that when I stop nursing maybe my appetite will settle down a bit (fingers crossed).
A girl just has to have fun!
Happy Wednesday!


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