Thursday, July 16, 2009

You never know what to expect....

Every single night is different. Lately I've dreaded going to bed. The night is when the "crunch munch" comes out. That's what we call Lyla's grumpy side. When she's happy she's our little munchkin and when she's mad she's our crunch munch! She's on a pretty good routine of sleeping about every 2-3 hours. Sometimes if I'm lucky it's like 3.25 hours! In contrast, at night she prefers to sleep 1.5 to 2 hours and have milk in between. She's a muncher! It may just be a growth spurt phase as today is her one month birthday (I sure hope it is!). So, in conclusion, I dread going to bed as I'm only really going to sleep about 4 hours and will be awake for the other 4. I know it is going to get better, at least that is what my friends say, but I hope it's soon! I don't know how I'll ever function at work on 4 hours of sleep. Please tell me it gets better....

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