Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lyla's Lemonade

Last Saturday Lyla woke up to sunshine. This is a rare thing in Seattle.
She said "Mama, I want to do something in the sun, like it's summer!"
I said "sure thing!"

Lyla: "Well what about a Lemonade stand?"
Me: "Sure!!! That sounds great!"
Lyla: "And mama... we can sell it, and give the money to kitties that don't have homes."
Me: "That's a great idea sweetie!"

I love Lyla. She's so sweet, caring and really wants to help.
Her Lemonade stand was a success!
She raised $47.
All proceeds donated to a local cat rescue organization that she cares for deeply.
Nancy, owner of The Whole Cat has encouraged and supported Lyla's love of cats for the past year. Lyla goes to her store to play the cats and do her "volunteer" work weekly if she can.
Nancy has cats boarded and also takes in cats that do not have a home. Lyla is constantly expressing her concern for all the kitties in the world that don't have homes.

Her proudest moment was when the Kirkland Police officer stopped by. He made her day. He had a conversation with her about why she was doing this and how he thought it was a great idea. She was so proud! (So was I)

Lyla loves animals, trees and all living things.
She has always been very connected to animals and nature.
When she was little she would pick up dead branches and try to re-attach them to the trees.
She would, and still gets upset when she sees bulldozers taking down trees. She thinks it's unfair.

She's pretty darn caring if you ask me.

After we got home and unpacked Lyla informed me that for her next stand she would like to donate all money to Chamalaka.
Chamalaka is our World Vision sponsored child. We have been supporting her for four years and she and Lyla share a major date in common, their birthday.

I think Lyla's Lemonade is a hit!
Let's see where this can take her and the world that she loves dearly.

Big Hugs!


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