Friday, February 11, 2011

Just one of those days...

Do you ever have one of these days? I sure am!
Lyla and I aren't finished breast feeding as per my below note. It all went downhill after she was upset at me for being gone, and I thought for sure my milk was gone too! Man was I wrong.... now she's feeding more than ever.

Just got back from the Pediatrician. No help there. It wasn't our regular Doctor and this "fill in" just wasn't helping us at all. He told me that she will stop at some point. "DON'T GIVE IN". Well after thirty minutes of Lyla screaming at the office I think we scared everyone out of there. She had snot running down her face, she shoved her finger so far up her nose that she started crying even harder (if that was possible), my neck is clawed and sore, I can't think, and I wanted wine at 12pm. Houston, I think we have a problem.

I need to take control. Lyla can't get away with everything and if I keep it up she will be one of those cranky toddlers that bosses her parents around. Why is it so hard? She's 19 months old and she's in control.

This has to change. Next step, mark the calendar for the next stopping date. Trust me, I won't be nursing my 4 year old!
Okay, so maybe I really didn't want wine at noon but it did seem tempting...
Smiles and tears,
The beat down mama



Unknown said...

Hang in there Ang, your doing a GREAT job and your a wonderful Mommy to Lyla. I think half the battle is recognizing/acknowledging like you say that she in in control. Rest assure you'll get everything in control. There may be a few rocky days, but the sanity of finally being in control is worth the few rocky days and then some. YOU CAN DO IT!! ;)

Joanne said...

I know what you mean! It's so hard when your instinct is to just *make*the*chaos*stop. I have to step back and make sure I don't give in to Catalina's every whim too. Hold on - you'll get there!